Local Causes
Our Club raises funds and rolls up our sleeves to support the community.
Our hearts just want to make someone’s life just a bit better.
- Supporting the Seniors
- Supporting the Youth
- Supporting the Unsheltered
- Supporting at times of life-changing events
- Lice kits
- Winter Outreach
- Summer Outreach
- Helping people stay at home longer
The youth are the future.
- School Bursaries
- Meal programs
- Leadership programs
- Fund amazing adventures
- Youth Outreach
- Bike Safety
- Pancake Breakfast with Santa
One of the biggest struggles today and the newest cause for our club.
- Movember
- Education
As KOTB (Knights Of The Blind) our club supports, advocates, educates, works with, and helps with:
- Glasses Rycling
- Lions Foundation of Canada Dog Guides
- Community Education
- Grampa’s White Cane Project
- Helen Keller Month
Food is the fuel that powers us.
- The Salvation Army Christmas Kettle Drive
- Community cupboard
- Starfish program
- Bowles for Hope
We need to take care of the world we live in.
- Street Clean-up
- Tree Planting
- Pike minnow Durby
We support the needs of children and families affected by childhood cancer
- Canuck Place Children’s Hospice
- Easter Seals House
We want to reduce and prevent the impact of diabetes in the world.
- Equipment for Diabetes in Pregnancy Clinic
- Testing
- Education
Knowledge connects us to the world in ways we may not even be aware of, helping us better understand the people, places, and things that make up our planet.
- School Bursaries
- Imagination Library
- Fund books for the schools
- Educate about our causes
- Youth Leadership
- Grampa’s White Cane Project
We also live, work, play, and serve in Chilliwack, so we care about helping make our city more enjoyable.
- Murals
- Street clean up
- Trees
- Chrismas Parade
Global Causes
We serve to prevent avoidable blindness and improve the quality of life for people who are blind and visually impaired.
We serve to ensure all community members have access to nutritious foods.
We serve to sustainably protect and restore our environment to improve the well-being of all communities.
Lions and Leos provide support for the needs of children and families affected by childhood cancer through impactful service activities.
We serve to reduce the prevalence of diabetes and improve the quality of life for those diagnosed.